This is another band who came and went faster than you can say AUSTRALIA ROCKS. Riff Random was based in Melbourne, AU, and were a 6-piece rock band that dwindled in size to 5, then 4 members due to various personal reasons. Active mostly around 2004-2006, their influences were many; you can hear various bands' influences in the songs of Riff Random, not the least of which was beloved, sweet, psych rockers The Morning After Girls. They've got some post-punk in the mix, more psych, and some good old garage rock. Those three styles of rock happen to be my personal trifecta of favorites, so it's no wonder why I adore the only full-length album Riff Random ever released so damn much. Riff Random did release at least one, perhaps two EPs before the full album, but they have proven impossible for me to find, and I did try. I do, however, have their full-length album titled In Space There Is No Sound, and it's wonderful. It's got swagger, it's got attitude, and it rocks. I hope you folks download and enjoy this one, it's a rare one from The Graveyard!
To kolejny zespół, który pojawił się i odszedł szybciej niż moglibyście wymówić Australia rocks. Riff Random pochodziło z Melbourne. Początkowo w skład kapeli wchodziło sześć osób, z czasem zostały tylko cztery. Działali w latach 2004 – 2006. Wpływ na nich miało wiele zespołów, usłyszycie to w ich muzyce. Grali post-punk i psychodelię z domieszką dobrego starego garage rocka. Te 3 style należą do moich ulubionych więc nie ma się co dziwić, że jestem tak oczarowana albumem Riff Random. Zespół wydał jeden longplay i 2 EPki. Do Epek nie udało mi się dotrzeć, ale mam świetny album zatytułowany In Space There Is No Sound. Mam nadzieję, że się wam spodoba!
Riff Random: In Space There Is No Sound
http://www.mediafire.com/?enoae89gkaidd8o Riff Random - EP :)
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you for the Random Love EP!!! It's GREAT. Cheers, from Terri